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3rd entry ----------- March 6th, 2025, 5PM Reviews will no longer be hosted on this website unless I have something to actually SAY, in which case they will be cohosted on TARDIS.Guide unless they're too inflammatory or my opinion in whatever way goes against the rules on there (I think they have some rules about discussion of politics, so yeah, don't worry. I will be here eventually lol.) The previous reviews are staying up as an archive for now. I'm opening this entry as a new div box so the coding and formatting of that one will remain unaltered. And WHAT a blog update I have for you today! In February I was incredibly fortunate enough to go to the legendary Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles!! I was in autism heaven! It was really fun and everyone was so sweet. It was also my first convention experience that DIDN'T involve having to endure walking past people who smelled bad... Now that I know how good I could have it I don't think I could ever go to another anime centric or generalized comic con in my life. Tragically, Gallifrey One only has a few years left before it's retired for good. I hope I'll be able to make it to their events in 2027 and 2028! Unfortunately I won't be able to make 2026. I'm also seriously considering Chicago TARDIS later this year... Anyway! It was a really good time. It was so much fun to see everyone in costume and to see the remote control Daleks and K-9s and the TARDIS console and everything. It was amazing to get to meet so many actors and writers who worked on the show. I got to meet a couple of friends from TARDIS.Guide by chance even though I couldn't make it to the meet-up, and I made a few new friends as well. And I bought SO MANY BOOKS!!! It was beautiful! The vendors alley had books, books, books as far as the eye could see! I got a good big pile of Eighth Doctor books, four Virgin New Adventures (mostly Kate Orman), the 50th anniversary edition of Beautiful Chaos (which I got to get Gary Russell to sign for me! Lovely guy), and a copy of Krikkitmen which I'd been looking for for ages. I've now got a whole collection of autographs going which I'll probably try to add to in the future, because it's actually really cool to me now... Something all my own to remember meeting everyone by... I may at some point start logging my Doctor Who collection on this site, in which case I'm sure you'll get to hear all about that. The other highlights for me aside from what I've already listed was the Gallifrey panel, the Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy panel, and the Classic Time panel. It was also really fun whenever Catherine Tate or Steven Moffat were up on stage, they're both really funny and good at entertaining people (obviously). And finally the biggest thing! I GOT TO MEET MY FAVORITE WRITER!!Hearing Paul Magrs was going to be at Gallifrey was the thing that finally pushed me to try to go. He and Jeremy Hoad signed my copy of Blue Angel and I got to tell them how much it meant to me. It was a really special moment I'll never forget.
2nd entry ----------- April 11th, 2024, 4AM This is going to start getting a little disorganized, just like my disorderly foray into DW extended canon (and main canon) itself. I will eventually re-format this page as a reviews section rather than a 'blog', because otherwise it will become basically unreadable. I generally only entertain my creative side solely for my own selfish purposes as a matter of principle after a life too wasted on what other people wanted me to make, but I'd also be happier with this website if it was at least marginally useful if someone interested in the topics covered were to hypothetically come across it. Today's entry is for the first Ninth Doctor novels I've read. I haven't been in as much of a mood for them, so my progress will be slower. As a result I've chosen to do them a couple at a time instead of all at once, even though there are way fewer of them than for Ten. -------------------------------------- Ninth Doctor Novels - Volume Two: -------------------------------------- The Deviant Strain ?/5 I couldn't finish this one due to being kind of frustrated by it. There's some great, tense moments here that I'm sure anyone can enjoy, but they picked the worst possible person to do the audiobook reading. This is maybe the first time I would recommend just reading the book instead of getting the audiobook, because while they usually enhance the experience, hearing Stuart Milligan's attempts at a Russian accent for the Russian characters (while also not bothering to mimic Rose or the Doctor's accents at all when reading their lines) drove me insane. There's a moment in this where Rose asks if Russians "use the same numbers" and I wanted to bang my head against a wall. Only Human 4/5 This one's got a really interesting premise and a lot of really funny moments in it. Jack's character in particular feels spot on here, and I'm glad he got to be included in these antics. Includes some worldbuilding with fascinating implications about how time travel works, as well as one timeline of future human history. And the Doctor gets high. It's great fun. The Stealers of Dreams N/A Still reading. 1st entry ----------- March 9th, 2024, 8AM I don't really plan to have a whole separate blog for Doctor Who related things. But it might end up working out that way. For now, I just don't know what else to call it, lol. Christ. Where to begin? I work overnight shifts and I'm allowed to listen to my own music, or radio, or whatever the hell while we're closed for business. Even I get tired of music, and I found there are a lot of Doctor Who novels that have audiobooks. They're pretty cool, actually. They usually get someone from the show cast to do the readings. They're usually pretty good at it, and trust me, I know a bad audiobook reader when I hear one. Because he's always been my favorite, I naturally started with the Tenth Doctor. I've now worked through all the audio stories and books with audiobook versions that I was able to find on the google play store. (They're $14.95 for a bunch of them, so I'm willing to pay for the convenience in this case.) Here we go. I'll do them in order how they're numbered on Google for lack of a better idea. Also, as a heads up, most of these reviews will be brief! For the most part, they're monster-of-the-week filler. They can't really influence the show plot, since the writers have to assume most people watching the show won't read them. -------------------------------------- Tenth Doctor Novels - Volume One: -------------------------------------- Sting of the Zygons 3.5/5 A dog dies in this one. Lots and lots of action! The Last Dodo 4/5 A lot of animals die in this one. The writing makes it appear to be for a younger target audience than most of these, but I don't mind it too much. Has some fun moments, and I kind of was wondering if they were ever going to do anything re: conservationists being weird about The Doctor LOL Wooden Heart I barely remember this one it's fine Forever Autumn 3.5/5 Just really fun. Reinforces Ten not being a cat person and has him get his feelings hurt by a teenager so I respect it. Deducting half a point because Will Thorp's fake American accent is really bad. Wetworld 3/5 Fasinating. Has one really good moment at the end but is mostly something I wouldn't have read through if I wasn't listening to it while doing something else. Sick Building 3.5/5 Proof that The Doctor would survive House (1977). A bit gross at times. There's a smart home, basically, and its computer is named The Domovoy, which I found kind of funny. The Pirate Loop 3.5/5 Martha dies in this one. Peacemaker ???/5 The story's a solid 4/5 but there's Native American characters in it and given how weird Ghosts of India was I don't feel informed enough to rate this one fully. It wasn't super bad in a way I could pick up on but I'm still a bit ??? at some of it. -------------------------------------- Tenth Doctor Novels - Volume Two: -------------------------------------- Wishing Well 3.5/5 Weird plant stuff. I'm worried I'm misremembering and this might be the one a dog dies in. I don't think so but I'm not sure. The Many Hands 4/5 Interesting side characters and story. Martha in the Mirror 4/5 More interesting side characters & story to go with them. I liked it. Snowglobe 7 4/5 Just a good story. Lots of telepathic stuff, which I like having in DW. They don't really touch on that side of the Doctor much. Ghosts of India 1.5/5 If you're older than 12 this one isn't really for us. It happens. It's like, kind of bad. The Doctor Trap 3.5/5 Wasn't really feeling it, but it's not terrible. Has some interesting concepts and just kind of goes in a less interesting direction than what I was expecting LMAO Shining Darkness 3.5/5 Good old robot rights as a racism allegory... story... thing. Some fun characters though. Donna's kind of a cunt in the books for some reason, like in a way she isn't in the show. I know some of the classic Who characters are known for being really different in the books so I guess it just happens sometimes. Still such a damn shame when she's such an incredible character in the show. Beautiful Chaos 5/5 Donna's more like herself in this one. Sylvia slaps The Doctor again. This one is seriously really, really good. I'm not fucking around, I'd actually really recommend this one. The Eyeless 5/5 Another banger. Kind of uncomfortable at the beginning, but it fully delivers on everything by the conclusion. The Doctor has a breakdown at one point. It's magnificent. -------------------------------------- Tenth Doctor Novels - Volume Three: -------------------------------------- -Note: This volume includes the Story of Martha series, which I haven't dug into yet. I thought a story elaborating on a season finale plotline should be saved for when I'm not at work and haven't had the time yet :P Judgment of the Judoon 4/5 Just a fun detective noir. The Slitheen Excursion 3/5 Time travel and consequences. Includes a just-one-trip companion character, and she's not half bad. She's a college student studying to become a greek historian, and as thanks for a favor The Doctor takes her to ancient Greece... Except this is The Doctor, so they land a few thousand years early. Prisoner of the Daleks 50000000000/5 Oh my god seriously read this one if you like Doctor Who. I'm soooo so serious it's fantastic. Brilliant. Molto bene. Whatever. It's so so so fucking good. Set after Journey's End, the Doctor accidentally crash lands in the early days of the Time War... Need I say more? I absolutely loved the supporting cast of this story, and it's a real page-turner. Additionally, Nicholas Briggs is a fantastic reader. He does different voices for the characters and everything, and his Ten impression is delightful. -------------------------------------- Tenth Doctor Novels - Volume Four: -------------------------------------- The Taking of Chelsea 426 3/5 The Doctor saves a middle class American suburb from blowing up, except it's a satellite on Saturn. Has the very weird image of The Doctor actually getting a hotel to stay at somewhere. I kind of just assumed he'd sleep in the TARDIS. Did he eject his room or something like with Romana's? Autonomy 3/5 This deserves more than 3/5 tbh but I had to deduct a bit because it reminds me of that time I had a meltdown at the mall of america. I don't get why humans like that kind of thing either, Doctor. The Krillitane Storm 4/5 I really liked the supporting characters in this one. Finally has a story where The Doctor runs into enemies who he's already defeated in the future just because that's how time travel works. I'd been waiting for that. -------------------------------------- Tenth Doctor Novels - Volume Five: -------------------------------------- The Stone Rose 2/5 I had a bit of difficulty sitting through this one. Follows the usual season 2 format of "Rose is threatened and The Doctor goes crazy trying to help her" but that's never done me any favors to say the least. Had an ending which implied a sequel that never happened...? The Feast of the Drowned 3/5 Rose at least gets to do something more in this one The Resurrection Casket 4/5 Really cute ending. The Nightmare of Black Island 4/5 There's some great drama going on in this one. The Art of Destruction ???/5 I can't remember enough about this one. Ehh. The Price of Paradise 4.5/5 I loved this one, IDK. Liked the supporting cast a lot. Strong ending. -------------------------------------- Tenth Doctor Tales -------------------------------------- Pest Control ?/5 I have really mixed feelings on this one. It's a doozy, that's all I can really say. The Forever Trap 4/5 The Doctor and Donna have to talk to a landlord. The Nemonite Invasion ?/5 I don't remember this one very well, so I'm putting it here to edit when I inevitably relisten to it... The Rising Night 3.5/5 Tragic vampire story. Bit romantic. It's good. The Day of the Troll 3/5 Interesting worldbuilding and great atmosphere. Had some trouble taking it seriously at times, though. The Last Voyage 4/5 "I'm many things, Sugar MacAuley, but neurotypical has never been one of them." AUTISM WINS!! Dead Air 5/5 This one's just fucking good. Marvelous use of format. Short and sweet. Loved it.