Molchat Doma (Russian: Молчат Дома, "Houses are Silent") is a Belarusian post-punk band from Minsk. Formed in 2017, I first heard them two years later in 2019 after the release of their second studio album Etazhi (RU: Этажи, "Floors"). I didn't think too much of them at first, but something about the sound had a hold on me and would not let go...
Perhaps it was the desperation in the singer's voice, maybe it was the Soviet trappings of nostalgia they drew upon themselves, maybe it was the addictive synth compositions found throughout their discography, compelling nodding heads, tapping feet, or dancing bodies. It was most likely a bit of everything; Molchat Doma is more than the sum of its parts.
In any case, they are the favorite band of the person I am today.
Belaya Polosa