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10 as a furry (thylacine / tasmanian tiger). Even if Gallifrey's destruction got retconned later, being (or at least believing himself to be) the very last Gallifreyan was a defining point of his character as an individual incarnation of the Doctor. The thylacine is probably one of if not the most well-known "recent" extinct animals, so I thought it was apt.

This is sort of an attempt at a character study without using words. Trying to metaphorically illustrate the Doctor's lifestyle of constantly trying to contain the damage of any bad situation to themselves (even if there might be a way to mitigate it entirely, in some cases). Referencing Can't Help Myself by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, one of my all time favorite art pieces.

My first fan art for Doctor Who since rewatching it recently. I was really really high for this one, sorry. Text is from the wikipedia page for the Fermi paradox.